Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"HEROs" do it again..this time on a daily wage earner!!!

On Oct 29 a day after Diwali, an UP labourer has been lynched on a Mumbai local train. Allegedly some locals boarded same compartment as the poor labourer and on learning that the fellow is a "Bhaiya", the locals started beating the labourer untill he was unconsious. The heros got down in a next station and RPF took the victim to a hospital where he was declared brought dead.
Well done Raj, as one of the readers say - we don't need Pakistan's ISI to divide and destroy the country - we have you, your uncle and some of your clan to take care of their plan.
Our Media seems to define terrorism something which has an islamic flavour in it. Killing inocent daily wage earners is not terrorism. Killing a young man who dreamt of a better life for his family is not terrorism.
Thanks Raj, thanks Shiva Sainiks , thanks Mawawati and like minded psychos, we can no longer be proud of the kaleidoscopic culture and ethnicity of the country. You are real heros these days!! You are so successful in poisioning thousand minds.
Shall I , now, need Passport/Visa to move to other parts of the country which has a different language than what I speak, a different religion than what I am born to?

Friday, October 17, 2008

"Heaven gives its glimpses only to those..."

Probably everyone goes through a phase where he/she feels betrayed or denied. It's hard to accept the disappointment when u don't get something which u are made to believe yours and desired too passionately. But won't there be caos if everyone's dreams come true?
Was reading a bengali novel during my Eid an interesting piece as quoted below ( no I m not into poetry, particularly if it is in english...but this might give you some food for thought:))
A Passing Glimpse - Rober Frost
I often see flowers from a passing car
That are gone before I can tell what they are.
I want to get out of the train and go back

To see what they were beside the track.
I name all the flowers I am sure they weren't;

Not fireweed loving where woods have burnt--
Not bluebells gracing a tunnel mouth--

Not lupine living on sand and drouth.
Was something brushed across my mind

That no one on earth will ever find?
Heaven gives its glimpses only to those

Not in position to look too close.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sorry my friend - my prayers were not answered.

Yesterday when I rejoined after an extented vacation, saw an email from a friend/collegue that he would be irregular next few weeks. The email was dated 10th October when I was out of office. I came to know that his wife (who was expecting) developed certain critical complications and is hospitalized. I was wishing everything would be alright. As he was not available on cell, I SMS-ed him that everything would be OK - 'insallah' but god decided otherwise. Got the shocking news today only - his child died. I was not trying to call him as I am perplexed as what to say. May almighty give strength to my friend and his wife to bear the loss.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back to work place.....

Reached Calcutta at around 2.30 PM. First 3/4 days after Eid, the weather was very bad in Silchar. The road condition and other basic civic amenities are getting worse day by day. Feel very sad for my home place. Corruption has taken a deep root in every sphere of life (Some of our land was acquired by highway authority and we were asked to pay the Land and Revenue officials 20% of total compensation amount ! I will write more details later - meanwhile I am trying to contact higher administrative officials…don’t know if that would help…keeping the fingers crossed for now).

Met a college junior in the airport whose flight to Chennai was scheduled in the evening. It was so nice to meet Tapash first time after college days.. Tapash came to my flat and we had an adda after quite a long long gap - 12 years to be precise. Saw off Tapash in the evening. My sister gave some sweets…time to do some ‘misti-mukh’ and call my friends here to wish Eid Mubarak and Suvo Bijoya.........logging off in 10 seconds!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cultivating corruption – “Maha-sarak in Silchar, ASSAM”

This Eid ( 2 oct 08) when I visited home, I saw a lot of house building activities in my village ( a village about 10 KM from Silchar town). In last two months there has been atleast 20 new houses built and similar number of houses are under construction. In a small village like mine, this appears to be a real estate boom….but in reality this has nothing to do with soaring demand for housings, no one is going to live in those houses!!

The supper highway from Imphal ( through a bridge over the ‘ Barak’) will make a crossing with the superhighway from Mizoram; the crossing is supposedly to be in our village. Some villagers would be uprooted to make way for the national development! Well this may be hard for a those villagers who are living there for generations - guess who is making hay out of it? The Land and Revenue officials advised the villagers to make concrete houses so that they can manipulate official records and get some higher compensation. Well, no advice comes for free! The office needs 20 to 30% of the proposed compensation paid in advance, so that villagers can get a ‘good’ package!! It is an ‘official deal’! The villagers are made to think that this is a win win situation for everyone!! Well, the officials are not saying this to be bribe; in fact no one is saying that – they are just showing the villagers a way to claim more compensation and in return they are taking some ‘service charge’. The brokering the 20-30% deal with the villagers, on behalf of the officials, has become a lucrative career option for many.

Few acres of our (inherited) fertile family land are in the designated highway area. My father currently being almost invalid, my uncle is running from pillars to post to claim the legitimate compensation/ sometimes to get information about the rate of compensation which is meager compared to what has been paid in other parts of the country ( Remember Nandigram, WB? We don’t have a Mamata Banerjee to exploit the situation! ). Nevertless, due to absence of a young male member who would have negotiated with the officials, we had no option but to be ‘happy’ to give the land at the govt offered price. But thanks to the hungry land officials, we cannot get anything until we pay 30% of the amount in advance!!
I feel like an escapist who work for a multinational and give advice to others not to encourage corruption. My father, my uncles are having all the pains for their legitimate money- they can not pay the 30%, they can not pay a good advocate to have an RTI petition filed in the court… I am proud of my father – you really helped innumerable persons to get established…I am proud of my uncle, who served the govt and despite many options to be richer, opted to remain same as before.

Dear reader, if you are looking for a bride, go and try an alliance with anyone working in the Land & Revenue department. It’s possible that you would end up getting gifts comparable to what is given in some of the north-Indian royal marriages. If you are in kidnapping business, get someone from L&R dept, Assam. You would probably get more than what you demanded !

The blogger does not encourage dowry but the above lines are for those who, in any case, would have received some gifts! Kidnapping is also strongly discouraged but this is for those who are already established in this career and do everything with their own risk…. though sharing some ransom might not be discouraged):