I hate lists... but thought of composing one. Few days back, we had an area meeting where evryone had to tell any one wish .... there was many interesting and noble pledges. For fun, we drafted the wishes and made an e-copy of it...plan is to have it discussed in a nxt years meeting:)
I have many plans....Here is my list................whats yrs?
- Quit smoking -if failed, would restrict smoking maximum 3 cigarettes a day (CFLY). Never drop cigarette buts on the street - will keep it in pocket and drop it at next available dustbin( if quit this will automatically follow).
- Learn driving a car(CFLY). Nooo I m not buying a car.( basically I know driving - but it has to be a big field - this time want to drive on roads - despite my clear theoretical knowlege, no friend is willing to give their cars to me :(... so no option but to call the driving school guys).
- Buy a TV and take a cable connection(CFLY).
- Would try to find a life partner (CFLY)- additionally this will keep my parent's mouths shut -:)
- With few exceptions, would not read pure fiction books ( I wish I did not spend few hundred bucks on Chetan Bhagat, Shirshendu(Bengali) etc etc!!!).
- Go to 'God's own land", Kerala(CFLY).
- Learn an Indian language and improve my Assamese which is currently 75% bengali. For feasibility studies, bought an urdu alphabet book.
- For films, won't follow read_review_check_whois_there_in_it_Then_watch, rather it would be other way.
- No more staying awake late in weekend nights. No reading at bed-time.
- Get my house agreement renewed (current agreement is till Jan-09)- crap they need a lot of documents/ gaurantee etc etc for a bachelor. Lucky that they have no rules like 'bachelors can not marry' .
- Will join a gym - no I don't like 6-8 Packs - Just want to improve stamina (currently in our housing society's court, I can not play 3 consecutive badminton singles...gotta improve).
- Will convince my nephew/niece/causins who are in schools, that it is not most important to get star marks in school. Its more important to explore and enjoy and follow your respective passions. Though good result should remain a priority as otherwise many avenues would be closed. ( Got to be little careful - otherwise I'd get a thrashing from their parents).
- Would work towards getting a govt registration for the club at my village.
- not subscribing any calcutta-based newspaper - enough of mamata-budha !!!!!!!!!!!!
- note - (CFLY) - carry forward from last year.