After quite a while, I was engrossed in books( not technical stuff which I have to refer anyway) for weeks. Did not come across much readings which would make me feel good, bad or even angry for a long time. Few weekends back, thought of catching a movie but just like my other plans, did not just 'get time' to go for one...instead went to "Sony world" electronic I did not have plan to buy any electronic item….. thing is that, opposite to the Sony, there is a small make-shift book store which I like to give a visit occasionally. But that day, could not locate the shop...God knows if they'd decided to implement 'Operation sunshine' to get clear of all book/magazine sellers from the narrow strip ( some people call it footpath ). So, had a mixed chaat in a sweet shop there and returned to my flat. After I had the shower, the part of my brain which I call judge saab, opined that I should spend the day with a book. Went to a mall ( now a days they keep books too!) and bought "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Well, next few days I was glued to this book!
It is the story of love, friendship, betrayal, hope. Set against the turmoil in Afganistan in 70s, Hosseini, neatly takes the readers through a wonderful journey. I found a nice line, which describes the devastations of war:
'the desert weed lives on, but
the flower of spring blooms and wilts'
NB: A time, when the protagonist goes to meet a taliban leader....that part appeared somehow Bollywood-movie-like. Nevertless, I liked the book and recommending it to Kaushik, Kunal, Raja...
2 days ago
1 comment:
Kite runner is a nice book. I recommend the other book of the autor - thousand spendin suns. hope u 'd enjoy it.
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