Sometimes mid march, my Indicom connection was failing despite I had no outstanding dues. I thought, it was because of my modem settings etc. I tried all possible tricks that Windows allows but did not succeed. Finally, I called Tata Indicom help desk and found that my connection was disabled by them....they discovered that there is not enough documents that establishes my identity. I was puzzled as what else document besides photo copy of PAN, Passport and rent agreement, I could have missed to submit ( I was using this connection from last several months ). The Indicom help desk guys ( girl, to be precise ) are only trained to tell - "I am sorry sir, I can not help you" and "Sir, do you have any other issues that I can help" in a perpetual sequence. Frustrated, I resubmitted all documents and thought waiting for 2 days before attempting net from home. After, 3 days, when I checked the line, I found that the line is still disabled. When I called the help desk, they informed that there was a power cut in their office, so they could not give any status to my complaint !!! After two weeks,when I called the help desk, they informed that the line has been enabled....but ordeal is not to finish here. Any attempt to connect internet was responded with - "the remote server did not respond"!!
Decided, I won't talk to the help desk, instead I checked the internet (from office) logged a complaint with more f***words in the content than the actual issue itself. The TATA Indicom seems to understand f***words very well !!! .....the line was enabled finally with an executive calling me to get a confirmation. It took 25 days - what a great customer service!!!!
The tata indicom customer support executives (thats what they like to be called)are the worst ....very poorly trained...have no idea of what the cusomers could face....they are worst that I came accross.
Anyway, I m going to change my service provider soon... may be I will go for a BSNL broadband.
2 days ago
Go for Wireless as thats the future now and it does cost less than fixed one.
The F word is the only thing that people understand these days....try talking normally to them, none of your work will be done....but once you resort to abuse with the F word, things actually get done!!!
It is really sad......but that is the reality!!
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